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Fool's Gambit Morris

Fool's Gambit Morris is a young(ish), energetic mixed Cotswold morris team that aims to amaze and impress with our dancing.1

We've been entertaining crowds up and down the country for over ten years now, so why not come along to one of performances and say hello!
Check our social media for (mostly) up to date info on when and where we're dancing.

1. Amazement not guaranteed, please see terms and conditions2

2. There are no terms and conditions

Team Photo

Who We Are

Primarily, we're just a bunch of weirdos who like dancing together!

Fools was founded in 2010 by a group of friends who wanted to see more of each other, and push Cotswold Morris to a high performance art.
Since then we've slowly been adopting new members (in a desperate attempt to keep our average age below 30), with a current roster of over 20 dancers!

We dance at many events including big festivals, morris weekends and local dance outs, as well as the occasional more esoteric booking such as a fashion photo shoot.
Over the years we have been lucky enough to be involved in international projects too - in 2016 we were involved in a project commemorating the battle of the Somme that took us to France, and in 2024 we went stateside to the Mufreesboro International Folk Fest in Tennessee!

We're a national morris team, and as such we are based all over the country; we get together once a month to practice, socialise and perform.

First Danceout Photo

The team at our very first danceout

Team Photo

A slightly more modern photo

Team Photo

An entirely normal practice occurance

What We Do

Fools Gambit are a mixed Cotswold morris side who perform dances across the UK, and occasionally around the globe too. We aim to bring high-energy, precise and entertaining performances to morris officianados and the general public alike.

We dance three main traditions: Fieldtown, Bledington and Raglan; with a variety of hanky and stick dances from each. Our repertoire ranges from the very traditional Valentines, to our not-so-traditional takes on classic dances, to entirely self-written dances such as Roundabouts and Steve*. Once a month we converge on a member's house to practice, where we can be found making puns, eating cheese, and occasionally even morris dancing.

We dance to acoustic music most frequently played on melodeons and fiddles. Our marvellous musicians often stick to something slightly more traditional than our dances, but not always.

* More effort when into the dance writing than the dance naming... promise

Get In Touch

Contact Form Coming Soon...

In the meantime please either email us at foolsgambitmorris@gmail.com

or drop us a message on one of our social media accounts :)